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Details on our 40 STRONG Challenge

It is NOT a contest against others…and there are no "weigh ins."

Fat loss will happen…but it’s not the main goal. We want to make some major habit changes.


40 Strong has 5 Rules that must be followed for 40 days.

Rule 1: Workout a Minimum of 30 minutes a Day 5x/Week

*We will allow some workouts to be outside of iDEAL Fitness 

Rule 2: Drink Enough Water

Rule 3: Eat Clean

Rule 4: NO ALCOHOL during the week. 

Weekends only 2 drinks per day MAX. 

Rule 5: Be Active in Your Recovery/Stress Management


These are the basics. We'll send out specifics as we approach our start date. Please note that each week we will expand on a rule a bit, i.e. you may have to start going on 3 walks/week after dinner starting week 2.



The prize is how you will feel when you complete the 40 days. However, everyone that finishes will receive a 40 Strong shirt and be entered into a prize raffle for a massage and wellness therapy sessions!


If you have questions let us know by clicking here!

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